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About Hannah Louise Stitches

Hello, my name is Hannah. I am a self-taught embroidery artist studying a Masters in Textiles at the Manchester School of Art.

I specialise in hand, machine and digital embroidery and have various threads weaving together which join to make my business Hannah Louise Stitches.

I design and make DIY Bargello Needlepoint kits and create bespoke hand embroidered commissions alongside my projects at university. I aim to create contemporary decorative textile artworks using vivid colour.

My embroidery suits a multitude of spaces and ultimately aims to bring joy and rejuvenate the viewer with my choices of colours, materials and finishes; allowing the mind to ponder, relax and refresh. My wish is to use responsibly sourced materials in my work while maintaining quality and longevity of my work.

I am heavily inspired by plants and vibrant colours and patterns from all walks of life and have a particular affinity with the colour turquoise.

My design background is not your conventional journey but none the less it is mine.. I initially picked up the needle and thread as respite from my job as a Paediatric Nurse. I fell in love with the mindfulness properties from then on in. After life threw some tremendous curve balls our way, I decided to embark on an MA in Textiles and pursue my passion in embroidery and grow my business of Hannah Louise Stitches. I now thrive on making and designing all day long!